
Deep inside we all have this longing for harmony. There is harmony in nature and that's what every living being aspires for.

We might have a disconnect with people but what our heart desires is harmony and harmony alone. We long for peaceful co- existence but we deny what our heart desires. 

Our surroundings have a big role to play here. We get effected by what is in our close proximity and that's why it's extremely important to sorround ourselves with people who radiate positive vibes.

Energy clash is for real and it's our foremost responsibility to protect ourselves from situations and people who pose a threat to our stability and peace. We can chose to walk away from such situations and poeople who aim at disturbing our internal equilibrium. At times the situations are unavoidable and that is when we need to stay aloof and unaffected for as long as needed.

These are the times when we must try to connect to the supreme and derive the stamina and strength required to continue our march  on the path of life.


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